The 8th grade class of St. Francis de Sales Parish School will be hosting their Saint Fair this year on two days. On Sunday, Nov. 1, after the 7:30 a.m. Mass, students will be in the Parish Center with their displays about the saints they will be portraying for the school. The displays will include videos the students produced of themselves...Read More
We always collect blankets, winter coats, boots and accessories throughout the month of November. We’re so grateful for all we have and want to share our VERY GOOD condition outer wear with others. New request this year: NEW men’s warm socks. Boxes will be in the Center throughout November. PLEASE…only very good articles. Please take your other used articles to Goodwill who...Read More
St. Francis de Sales parish has been fortunate to have Geri Braun as our RCIA coordinator for many years. An abbreviation for “Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults”, this group meets on a weekly basis where candidates study and convert to the Catholic faith. “The reason that people to come to us varies. Sometimes it’s because they are...Read More
On Saturday, Nov. 14, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. a spaghetti lunch fundraiser will be held at Calvary Community Church, Hwy 50 approximately across from The Geneva National Resort. $10 adults, $5 age 12 and under, age 3 free. Our church office will have tickets available or they can be purchased at the event. Raffles will also be offered. It’s...Read More
The Human Concerns Committee will host its annual “Pie Auction” this Saturday,Oct. 24, after the 5:15 p.m. Mass. The auction will be followed by a BBQ supper. The Human Concerns Committee is a vital, active and caring group that reaches out in many ways. This committee helps to support the Lake Geneva Food Pantry through...Read More
Mary asked us at Fatima to pray the Rosary daily. Since October is the Month of the Holy Rosary, it would be a good time to start making the Rosary part of your daily prayer life. Often it is easier to pray with someone. You may like to pray along with the Rosary CD’s that are available with the Holy...Read More
Last weekend about 85 people were able to join on the SFDS Volunteer Appreciation Cruise on the Lady of the Lake. It was a lot of fun! You can see the photos on our Facebook page, “St. Francis de Sales Lake Geneva”. We also had a special volunteer blessing at every Mass. Our parish runs on volunteer power…we are so appreciative...Read More
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