The first annual “Live Nativity” at SFDS was successful in bringing our parish and the community together to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas. Under the starry roof of a December sky all came out to adore Him!
Thank you to our “cast of characters”, singers, narrators dancers and helpers, including Maureen Redmer, Geri Braun, Matt Abbott, Juan Chavez, Maddie Greenberg, Allegra Kayser, Benton Greenberg, Joel Chavez, Kayden Kayser, Connie Cook, Bill Meyerhofer, Pedro Perez, Fran Zappitelli, Kurt Kayser, Andy Kokodynski, Bob McCormick, Claudia Chavez, Kathleen Dobbler, Eloisa Esparza, Roxana Servin, Antonia Mata, Daryl Braun, Millie McCormick, Mark Smith, Don Cook, Toni Meyerhofer, Laura Zappitelli, Mary Ellison, Deb Miller, Nancy Lazzaroni, Vince Lazzaroni, Terrie Mess, Anne McCord, Martha Cucco and Jim Dobbler.
Special thanks to Dr. Mona from the Lake Geneva Animal Hospital and to Cass Kordecki for providing the ponies. Thanks also to Chapel on the Hill for supplying us with many of the costumes and to Kathie Murray who designed and coordinated them all!
Thanks to all of the SFDS staff for your support, especially to Michael Deane for sound, light, music and direction and to Fr.Ray for cheering us on. Special thanks to the many friends of SFDS parish who “anonymously” donated supplies or gave financial support to underwrite this event.
And finally, thank you to Kathleen Dobbler who had the vision to make this all happen!