What does this mean? You should be able to push a button or move a switch on your hearing aid (your audiologist will need to program but most times it’s already built in) so that the sound will be picked up directly by your hearing aid to give you better clarity.
If your hearing aids are not compatible, ask one of the ushers to borrow one of our hand held loop receivers with headphones during Mass. This will take advantage of the same technology. If you have used this system before, it will be easy for you! If you have hearing aids but don’t know about the t-coil, ask your audiologist if you can take advantage of this technology. You probably have seen this sign at theaters and auditoriums…It’s the international sign to let people know that there is a hearing loop in the building. This logo is now at all of our church entrances and in our church bulletin to let visitors know that they can tune in!