Lake Geneva Knights of Columbus – Project 2017 Report

Photo credit Jean Sigmund
Photo credit Jean Sigmund

Thank you to everyone who supported and volunteered with the Knights of Columbus at the Wisconsin Farm Technology Days on July 19, 20 & 21, 2016. The Lake Geneva Knights of Columbus collaborated with the Elkhorn Knights of Columbus over a year and a half ago to staff one food tent in May 2015. The profits from the sale of the food and beverages would be used for each of our charitable endeavors. We later picked up 3 beverage tents and 1 ice cream tent for this 3 day event. Over 150 individuals, working 1,350 hours, assisted in planning, set-up, parking, delivery, food prep, runners, cashiers, greeters, stockers, coordinators, ice cream, beverage and clean up/take down. Some people worked a few hours, some worked all 3 days of the event. Everyone’s efforts made this a success. Extreme heat, questionable weather and less than anticipated attendance is a disappointment for the event.

Our combined efforts were rewarded with a check totaling $11,092.13. The Elkhorn Knights of Columbus participated with 35% staffing, for $3,882.25. The Lake Geneva Knights of Columbus participated with 65% staffing, for $7,209.88. The Lake Geneva Knights of Columbus also staffed the Wursthaus at the 2016 Walworth County Fair for one day, and earned $650.00. We have combined all these funds, along with other earnings and bequests and were proud to present to Father Jim, at the KC breakfast on Dec. 11, a check for $10,020.17 to St. Francis de Sales Parish for Project 2017. Furthermore, we also presented a check the computer matching funds at our breakfast for the last five months for $710.50 to the St. Francis de Sales Parish School for computer and technology upgrades. Finally, the Lake Geneva Knights of Columbus has just presented a check to the Lake Geneva Food Pantry just before Thanksgiving for $500.00. We are proud to have worked with so many fine people who shared their time and talent in these worthwhile projects. Thank you for your friendship, your devotion to these worthy causes, and your cooperation during this entire process. Each of you makes a wonderful contribution to our parish and community. NOTE: The KC December breakfast was the last breakfast of 2016. We hope to see you all at our next breakfast in 2017, on Sunday, May 14, 2017—Mother’s Day, after the completed renovation of the church. The Lake Geneva Knights of Columbus wish you all a blessed Merry Christmas and prosperous Happy New Year!

–Richard Kelman, Treasurer 
