Generous Hearts

I am grateful for your response to my letters for the Generous Hearts Campaign.  So far we have heard from 80 parish families which equates to about 8% of you, and your generosity has resulted in an increase of $6500 above our usual offertory collection.  Thank you to all of those who have responded, your participation is greatly appreciated!  In order for this campaign to be successful, we need to hear from at least 220 more parishioners by the end of December.  If you are a regular giver but perhaps have been at the same amount for many years, please consider increasing your weekly or monthly donation.  If you are not a consistent donor to our parish, please consider committing to a regular weekly or monthly donation.  This helps to support our operating costs of our church and school, and having regular and consistent donations helps tremendously for budget planning and forecasting. 

Recently we had an incredible response to our capital campaign to renovate the church and develop a reserve for future maintenance costs of our church and school.  That part of our future is now secure, thanks to you!  I am asking now that we take care of the other important part of the big picture, that of the day to day operating costs of our parish.  The Generous Hearts Campaign will help to fund to our staff salaries, program costs, utilities, and more.  As you know, we have been operating with a defecit for the past few years, and this needs to be addressed to keep our parish healthy and growing.  Your generous response enables us to foster a vibrant place to worship, to provide an exceptional spiritual Faith Formation, to maintain a legacy of hospitality shared by all Parishioners, to maintain a quality, faith based Catholic School for our children and to meet our daily expenses.

How can you respond?  There are several methods.  You can visit our website, text, send back your detachable card from your letter, or stop by the office Sundays after Mass or during the week.  Again, please help me to end the year with a solid financial future by responding with your financial commitment to our Generous Hearts Campaign.

-Fr. Jim
