Fall Festival Schedule of Events

Saturday, Sept. 24th:
6:00 p.m.: Silent Auction opens after the 5:15 Mass for early bird bids!
Sunday, Sept 25th:
8:00 a.m.: Silent Auction opens after 7:30 Mass and closes at 5:30 p.m. sharp!
11:30 a.m.: Fall Fest officially begins after 10:30 Mass!, Opening prayer by Fr. Jim., Spanish Liturgical Dancers will perform., Dave Adams, our smoke master’s famous Pulled Pork Sandwiches, Pot Luck fixings’ of homemade Salads and Desserts, and Cheesy Potatoes, Bar Open! Serving beer and wine, soda, and bottled water, * Please note: Serving food until 4:30 p.m. or when food runs out
12:00 p.m.: Green Bay Packers Football Game on the Big Screen TV, Raffles, kids games, and magic tricks throughout the day
12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.: Dust off your inner Rock Star! It’s Karaoke Time!!, Sign up in advance on Sign Up Genius, or walk up in an open time slot!
2:15 p.m.: Spanish Liturgical Dancers
3:00 p.m.: Music by the “Frank Whiting & Friends Band”
5:30 p.m.: Silent Auction Closes, get those bids in!
6:00 p.m.: Silent Auction Checkout Opens
6:30 p.m.: Closing Prayer and Raffle Winners Announced by Fr. Jim.

To volunteer or sign up for karaoke go to: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090f49aaa622aafb6-2016
