Faith with a Face – Nancy and Vince Lazzaroni

LAZZARONI-VINCENT-74In 1990, Nancy Lazzaroni had not given any thought to joining the choir until Fr. Dave Braun convinced her to try it. When she walked into the practice, there was Vince singing away. It took Vince almost one year to ask Nancy out – after a little nudging from the choir leader. They were married in 1994. Vince and Nancy have two children: Sophie is a sophomore at University of Minnesota and Dominic is a senior at Badger High School. Nancy teaches math at Badger High School. Vince oversees a lab operation.

Both Nancy and Vince are in the Contemporary Choir which sings at 9:00 Mass. Nancy is active with the Women’s Emmaus Retreats and president of the Altar Society. She has helped with children’s religious education and confirmation classes. Vince is a cantor during the masses. He was a volunteer parent for school activities. They both went on field trips and did many other things with the children, especially when their children were going to St. Francis. They are active with other volunteer opportunities in the community such as scouts. Nancy and Vince come every week because they want to contribute to the parish by sharing the talents they have. They feel a sense of belonging to their church family. They look forward to seeing the same people at Mass each week. This has been a constant through the different stages of their personal and parish life over the past decades.

The most rewarding experiences they have had have been singing with other choirs for the Jubilee Mass, confirmation at St. Benedict’s, singing Vespers at the cathedral, talking to Bishop Sklba before masses and meeting Cardinal Dolan when he became Archbishop of the Milwaukee Diocese.

Thank you Nancy and Vince for being such an important part of the St. Francis de Sales music ministry, and for all that you continue to do for our parish!

